Director Sohee Park, Curator
Since the beginning of her career as a curator, Sohee Park has been working in various Visual Art-related fields and considering artists as her priority. she has worked as the associate curator of 2020 Changwon Sculpture Biennale, the director of TEAF20, TEAF21, the director of the MCST-Seoul Public Art Project ‘Dots Bridge’, the head of an exhibition at Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art and the director of Noblesse Collection. She was also the executive curator of Bali-Jeju ‘COA project’ and curated the “DaVinci Codex '' exhibition at Culture Station Seoul 284. Currently, she is working on the “Pharma Research Cultural Foundation'' exhibition and is in charge of the NFT platform “The Five Collection”curation team. She has imagined “Uttun Collective'' to connect and exchange the talents she has met so far throughout her career.
박소희 큐레이터
예술가를 우선으로 여기며, 시각미술을 기반으로 한 다종다양한 범주에서 일하고 있다. 태화강국제설치미술제 감독(2020, 2021), 서울시-문체부 공공미술 프로젝트 ‘닷츠브릿지’ 대표(2021), 창원국제조각비엔날레 특별전 협력 큐레이터(2020), 링컨 리이매진 프로젝트 '공존' 총괄 큐레이터, 문화역 284 <다빈치 코덱스> 감독 등을 지냈으며, 영은미술관 전시팀장, 노블레스 컬렉션 디렉터 등 다수의 직장에서 근무했다. 현재 파마리서치 문화재단 전시를 준비 중이며, NFT 플랫폼 더 파이브 콜렉션 큐레이션팀을 맡고 있다. 예전부터 빛나는 동료들을 발견했고 그들과의 교류를 위해 어떤 콜렉티브를 상상했다.
2021 Taehwa River Eco Art Festival(TEAF21), Director
2021 MCST-Seoul Public Art Project ‘Dots Bridge’, Director
2020 Taehwa River Eco Art Festival(TEAF20), Director
2020 2020 Changwon Sculpture Biennale, Associate Curator
2019 Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art, Head of Exhibition
2018-2019 Noblesse Collection, Director Bali-jeju ‘coa project’, Executive Curator
2017 Lincoln ‘ReImagine’ project, GALLERY K.O.N.G, Sunin Motors Sinsa Showroom, Executive Curator
2016- 2017 Culture Station Seoul 284 , Director