‘DOTS BRIDGE’ in Seonbuk-gu, public artwork project
성북구 공공미술작품 ‘DOTS BRIDGE(닷츠브릿지)’

The ‘DOTS BRIDGE’ work by Sangwon Lee, installed at Dongseong overbridge in Dongseon-dong, was held in 2020 to support artists whose activities have become difficult due to COVID-19 and to provide Seoul citizens with opportunities to enjoy culture and art. This work was planned as a public art project by the Seoul Metropolitan Government-Ministry of Culture,Sports and Tourism.

동선동 동선고가 굴다리에 설치된 이상원 작가의 “DOTS BRIDGE(닷츠브릿지)” 작품은 코로나19로 활동이 어려워진 미술 작가를 지원하고 서울시민에게 문화예술 향유 기회를 제공하기 위해 진행한 2020년 서울시-문체부의 공공미술 프로젝트로 계획된 작품이다.

Seonbuk-gu, Seoul